Club Penguin: Rookie.avi

Ever since I was little, I freaking LOVED the game Club Penguin. I had almost every collectable, toy, video game... Then when I turned 19, I moved to Kelowna, BC and got a job as a moderator and Co-Artist at the CP HQ.
2 months have passed and I was designing for the new party, sipping my tea when my friend Chris (aka Spike Hike) said that I need to come to the auditorium for a short for the Club Penguin YouTube channel. I put down my tea and followed him. I then sat down and Chris eventually had to turn the screen and other things on, and it then started.
The screen went in static and it showed the screen revealing the title. It was just a black screen with a white text saying Rookie.avi. I was confused but kept watching.
It went to Rookie in a basement crying uncontrollably. Cadence came in and asked him what is wrong. Rookie became sobbing. "J-j-j-just kill me. I can't live anymore!" Rookie cried. "Aaaaaand why would I do that?" Cadence asks confused. "Because i'm...." Rookie began "DEATH." Cadence gasps. Rookie grabs a pocketknife and he runs after Cadence. Cadence then trips and Rookie comes on top of her, and cut out her throat and wounded her brutally. It then cuts to Rookie with a half torn face, smiling creepily. Blood oozes out of his mouth and down on his flippers. He walks with a hunched back and spots Gary. He then slashes Gary with the knife, blood oozing rapidly. PH comes in and says "ROOKIE YOU DESPICABLE LITTLE SH*T! YOU'VE BEEN KILLING PEOPLE FOR TOO GOD DAMN LONG! IT ENDS NOW!" She yells and gets a gun and shoots Rookie. It the cuts to white text saying "And that's how Rookie's killing spree came to an end." It ends with a loud flesh smacking noise and it ends.
Everyone in the room started screaming, sobbing and wailing uncontrollably. Everyone left the auditorium, when I secretly took the DVD, which just had black Sharpie writing saying "ROOKIE.AVI".
A few weeks passed, and I heard on the news millions of parents from across the globe suing Club Penguin for innapropriate content. Some didn't even let their kids even play the damn game again!
Why I took the DVD is because I hope to understand it one day...